Lukijana Mušickog 1

Apartment building
Lukijana Mušickog 1
Novi Sad
Due to the small plot and the base, the decision not to use the courtyard for parking and to provide access to the basement garage only via an elevator and possibly a car ramp was crucial for the quality of the building. This avoided a passage to the courtyard that would have spoiled the appearance of the pedestal of such a building, as well as a basement staircase, which facilitated the development of the entrance area.
Due to the small plot and the base, the decision not to use the courtyard for parking and to provide access to the basement garage only via an elevator and possibly a car ramp was crucial for the quality of the building. This avoided a passage to the courtyard that would have spoiled the appearance of the pedestal of such a building, as well as a basement staircase, which facilitated the development of the entrance area.
The start was interesting. How to guide investor builders matured at a time of the late postmodern era onto the right path? How to adorn the building without going overboard? To make it refined but still elegant. We found our salvation in brick and its pattern. We turned it, laid it, tinkered with it, but preserved its dignity. In addition to the internal and external qualities, the decision was made to have all street openings without parapets. A rare opportunity where complete openness towards the street makes sense. This quality will especially be felt when the surrounding trees bloom. Breaking the facade into multiple planes between the openings and establishing a connection with the pedestal was ultimately an easy choice. The internal shared facilities simply follow the narrative.
It's a rare opportunity to establish communication with the own neighboring building (at number 4) and the somewhat Gothic-Eclectic powerful structure of the Evangelical Church at number 7, for which the choice of brick color was made. Thus, all together in the beautiful ambiance of the street, there is a sense of harmony. Even Cveletova's building (designed by Radoje Cvetkov, recipient of the Tabaković Award for Architecture in 2015) on the corner, as a successful offspring of the postmodern era, has joined the company.
The building has nine apartments, two per floor, with a penthouse on top. The increasingly common approach of direct access to the penthouse apartment from the elevator has been implemented.
MK 3.23.